2024 Elections

The following candidates have submitted nominations for open positions on the Society for Education in Anesthesia Board of Directors:

Vice President (One Position – Two Year Term)
Secretary (One Position – Two Year Term)
Treasurer (One Position – Two Year Term)
Director (Three Positions – Two Year Term)

If you not have already done so, we strongly encourage all members to review their position statements by clicking on their name above.

Voting Procedure

This election will be done using an electronic balloting process. The advantage of this method is everyone who is eligible to vote (not just the members attending the Fall Meeting), will be able to do so. THERE WILL BE NO VOTING AT THE FALL MEETING.

  1. On September 1, all members eligible to vote (exceptions are associate, medical students, residents, emeritus and honorary members) will receive an email from Electionbuddy.com with your unique access key, which can only be used to vote once, and the link to submit your ballot.
  2. You may vote for up to one (1) President-Elect, one (1) Secretary, one (Treasurer) and three (3) Director candidates. Once you make your selection, you simply hit "Submit ballot" and your vote will be cast. You will receive an email from Electionbuddy.com that verifies you have voted.
  3. Elections will close on October 1. Within 7 day of the close of the election, the results will be certified by the Secretary and submitted to the Board of Directors.
  4. If you do not receive an email with your unique voter ID by Thursday, September 5, please contact Andrew Bronson, CAE at the SEA Office for assistance ([email protected] or 414-389-8614).

Candidate for Vice President: Franklyn P. Cladis, MD, MBA, FAAP

I am honored to be serving my second term as Treasurer for SEA and I am pleased to be considered for Vice President. This society is an incredibly important resource for academic anesthesiologists, and it has been instrumental in my personal and professional growth. Education has been an integral part of my career, and I have participated in several organizations that have had a direct impact on the training of our future anesthesiologists. I was the program director for the Pediatric Anesthesiology Fellowship at the UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh from 2007 to 2024 and I am a Past President for the Pediatric Anesthesia Program Directors Association (PAPDA). I have been involved with the ABA since 2008 and serve as a senior ABA board examiner and Chair of the ABA Pediatric Anesthesiology Exam Committee. In 2023, I became the Anesthesiologist-in-Chief at the UPMC Children’s Hospital, and I am also one of the editors for Smith’s Anesthesia for Infants and Children. Education has been a significant part of my professional career, and I have personally benefited from my SEA membership over the past 19 years.

In 2005, I became a member of SEA to network and to expand my education skill sets. I found mentorship, friendship, and camaraderie. Over several years I became more involved with the SEA Research Committee and was fortunate enough to chair that committee from 2009 to 2015. One of my greatest honors was helping to develop and implement the SEAd Grant. This starter grant represents a significant milestone for SEA by financially giving back to its membership. It is a statement of the commitment of SEA to medical education research and to its members.

After stepping down from chairing the Research Committee, I joined the SEA Board and served three terms. In addition, I participated on the SEA finance committee since 2018 and now serve as Chair of that committee and the Treasurer for SEA. I completed my MBA in April 2022, and this experience helped me appreciate several of the nuances of finances and leadership. Over my two terms as Treasurer, we have successfully transitioned our SEA assets into a financial model that is aimed at safe future growth.

I have been fortunate to participate in multiple aspects of this society and I feel equipped with the desire and experience to take on the challenges of Vice President. It has been a privilege to serve SEA as the Treasurer. I would be honored to continue my service as the Vice President of this Society and to serve the membership of SEA in this capacity.

Thank you.

Candidate for Secretary: Samuel Yanofsky, MD, MSEd

My name is Samuel Yanofsky, M.D, MSEd. with an intent to apply for the position of Secretary for Society for Education in Anesthesia. I am a Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology and Medical Education at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, where I attend at the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles in the Department of Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine. I am a graduate of McGill University, Montréal, Québec (baccalaureate of science in physiology) and St Louis University medical school. I completed a residency in Anesthesiology at University of Connecticut Health center and continued with a two-year fellowship in Pediatric Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. I graduated with a Master of Science in Medical Education from USC Rossier School of Education. Finally, I trained as a evidence based coach at Fielding Graduate University with a further certification in trauma informed coaching. Presently, I am the Vice Chair for Medical Education and Professional development responsible for supporting anesthesia trainees and faculty to develop and deploy comprehensive educational programming and infrastructure. The programming promotes effective clinical learning settings for anesthesia trainees and faculty while simultaneously enhancing career growth and well-being in those diverse, equitable and inclusive environments. I served a six-year term including being president of the Pediatric Anesthesiology program directors association within the Society of Pediatric Anesthesiology (SPA). Within the Masters of Academic Medicine at USC Keck School of medicine program I am part of team of faculty training mid-level health care professionals in medical education focusing on leadership and organizational change. Presently, on a national level, I serve on the Board of Directors for the Society for Education in Anesthesia, and I am member of the executive education committee for the SPA. In addition, I serve on the Woman’s Empowerment Leadership Initiative steering committee designing the leadership curriculum to further promote woman in their career as leaders in pediatric anesthesiology within the SPA. Further, I am a member of the physician well-being committee for the SPA and ASA I have developed and delivered many workshops and presentations on topics related to learning principles, teaching, evaluation, ACGME competencies, motivation, leadership, team development and physician well-being to a variety of health care professions’ faculty members and trainees. My area of research is in career development including coaching for woman in pediatric anesthesiology and wellbeing through the ASA and SPA wellbeing committee.

I envision the future of SEA to continue to be the leaders in Medical Education and Professional Development for specialties and subspecialties through working with all the committees and the SEA executive team. I support further promoting the newly formed committee for physician well-being. In addition, as a senior member in the SPA, I will continue to foster a collaborative relationship between the two organizations to support for education in anesthesiology. Finally, to further grow the society, I would like to focus on outcome measures of our accomplishments to further support the BOD and the society members to grow to align with the organization’s mission and vision. I appreciate the continued support from the members of the society and hope to be elected as the secretary of the SEA BOD to continue to provide the necessary work to grow and develop the SEA nationally and internationally.

Candidate for Treasurer: Deborah A. Schwengel, MD, MEHP, FASA

I am excited to submit my candidacy for the position of Treasurer for SEA. Thank you for reading my statement. I have been a member of SEA for more than 15 years. I have served three terms on the SEA Board of Directors. I developed the Outreach Task Force and have spearheaded SEA sponsored workshops at meetings including SNACC and SPA, and co-developed the SEA Medical Education Journal Club with Melissa Davidson. I am currently serving on the Research, JEPM and Finance committees. I am associate editor at JEPM and MedEdPORTAL, and Editor-in-Chief of the ASA Anesthesia Patient Safety Editorial Board. I have personal interests in innovative curricula, teaching applied physics in anesthesiology and mass casualty preparedness.

My passion is to contribute significantly to SEA’s mission and to continue the thoughts and ideals promoted under the fantastic leadership of Franklyn Cladis. I thank him for his service in this role, and I will intentionally continue to collaborate with him and the Board of Directors to achieve our collective goals. Our financial health is good, although we have been challenged by the pandemic and its aftermath. We have opportunities to boost our financial health and organizational sustainability, and we would be remiss in not exploring them. There are three main approaches to growth which will allow us to better meet our expenses and permit growth.

  1. Grow the membership – each one of us has a responsibility to help with this by inviting colleagues and participating in organizational advocacy.
  2. Continue responsible investing – this has been done exceedingly well under Dr. Cladis’ direction.
  3. Meeting sponsorship – most other societies regularly practice this by inviting vendors to display their innovations to an interested audience. SEA should be no different.

I would like to state that the goal is not just to remain solvent, it is to provide opportunities like the SEAd and Sprout awards. As you all know, although education is a leg of the three legged stool of academic medicine, it is more like a smaller tricycle wheel (analogy is borrowed from Dr. William Greeley and quoted from the July 8th 2024 Pediatric Anesthesia Article of the Day). “Academic practices are cracking and the workforce imbalances threaten the mission. What is the mission? For most academic practices the mission is a 3-legged stool (really a tricycle in my [WJG] view where the large front wheel is clinical care driving and steering the other 2 missions.” This means that SEA must play a pivotal role in the funding of educational grants, providing early mentorship or funds needed to establish important new ideas in educational scholarship. SEA is already achieving this mission and I look forward to expanding this mission as the treasurer of the society.

Candidate for Director: Stephen R. Collins, MD, MSc

Like all educators, I am passionate and committed to transform and mentor the next generation of students and trainees. The mission of SEA is to support, enrich, and advance anesthesia education and those who teach. I want to promote this mission by serving on the Board of Directors and work to improve both the current state and future of our specialty through innovation in education.

I have been on faculty at the University of Virginia for over a decade and have served in various leadership roles within the anesthesiology department and in resident education. I have led resident curriculum changes, currently serve on the UVA School of Medicine Center for Excellence in Education Innovation Committee, and have been awarded three departmental faculty teaching awards and an institutional GME Master Educator Award. As a Core Residency Program Director, I also recognize the immense value of mentorship, both in preparing me for leadership and service and also in learning to guide residents and support more junior faculty in their pursuits. This mentorship has come from faculty within my department as well as from those within this society.

Anesthesiology education and training continue to evolve in novel ways such as development of digital-based education approaches, emerging artificial intelligence applications, and competency-based trainee advancement. Both continued innovation and mentorship are forces that will manifest a reality in future directions of learning and teaching within anesthesiology. I believe SEA leads these areas, and I very much wish to be a part of it by serving in the society and working to enrich education within our specialty and work with educators who lead it.

Thank you for considering me for a Director position on the Board.

Candidate for Director: Herodotos Ellinas, MD, FAAP, FACP

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

My journey, marked by my foreign nationality, diverse clinical exposure, and strong educational background, has given me a profound understanding of the struggles faced by underrepresented people and the ongoing battle for inclusion.

Born and raised in Cyprus, a nation of one million people primarily of Greek ethnicity, I arrived in the US in 1984, landing in Chicago as one of the few foreign students accepted at the University of Chicago. Along with 27 other Cypriot students, I was granted a four-year educational scholarship provided to Cyprus following the 1974 war, offering me a unique opportunity to pursue higher education abroad. However, during my time at the University, I encountered prejudice and skepticism. Fellow students often suggested that I was "taking away" financial resources and a spot that should have gone to US students, implying that my acceptance was based on diversity quotas rather than merit. These were painful experiences, but the support and encouragement from friends helped me persevere, inspiring me to become an advocate for those less fortunate, those who have no voice.

My career has taken me from Chicago to North Carolina, Milwaukee, Boston, and Minneapolis, enriching my clinical experience and exposing me to people from various socioeconomic backgrounds and ethnicities. As the Director of the Rural Health Clinic in Kentucky, I was the only pediatrician serving a district of 4,000 people. I provided care primarily to underserved patients, a role that highlighted the significant healthcare disparities in the US, with rural Medicaid or uninsured patients facing inadequate access and minimal quality of care. I took decisive actions to address these issues by improving policies and procedures, and educating staff to better recognize patients in need. As the new Chief of Pediatric Anesthesia and the Chair of the DEIJ (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice) committee at the University of Minnesota, I have been working on promoting and endorsing diversity initiatives within the department and the surrounding communities. My roles allow me to advocate for inclusive practices, mentor underrepresented students and faculty, and ensure that our departmental mission reflects our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice.

Education has always been my passion, and I believe it is crucial to use our knowledge to educate others and promote better outcomes. My prior roles as Anesthesiology Residency Program Director, and Chair of the Curriculum and Evaluation Committee at the medical school, and currently Chair of the departmental DEIJ committee have given me ample opportunities to spearhead discussions on underrepresented minority topics, implement diversity curricula and workshops, create policies to support low-resource learners and promote community engagement. In my roles as co-chair of the DEIJ committee, and SEA board member, I have championed national statements against discrimination, advocated for women's rights, supported minority communities, and provided structure for DEIJ curricula. These positions have allowed me to lead initiatives that address systemic inequalities and promote a more inclusive environment. My commitment to the SEA since 2008 is a testament to my dedication to causes such as these and my commitment to making a tangible difference in the fight against discrimination and for equal rights.

My rich journey has provided me with a deep understanding of these complex issues, fueling my commitment to advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves. I am energized and determined to continue supporting and fighting for the inclusion and equality of all individuals as a member of the SEA Board.

Candidate for Director: Bryan Mahoney, MD, FASA

Thank you for considering me for a continuing board director position with the Society for Education in Anesthesia. I fondly remember my first meeting: I was a CA-3 resident, and the SEA gave me the opportunity to lead a workshop on the resident simulation curriculum I created with my program director in San Antonio (love that river walk!). I was able to attend multiple workshops and knew that I had found my people: a group passionate about pedagogy, mentorship, and a commitment to the furtherance of our profession. I became a faculty member as soon as I began my professional career and have been involved ever since. Through my work with the Committee for the Advancement of Technology in Education, I have helped update our website (with Andrew Bronson and my then chair-designee, Dave Stahl, M.D.), brought new regular content (Thank you Glenn Woodworth for your Innovations in Education Podcast series), and led or facilitated almost 20 workshops. Since then Dave and I created the "PD"s at SEA" podcast series in an attempt to bring more eyes and interest to our society. Some episodes have garnered almost 10,000 views! The SEA has truly been my professional family beyond my own department.

I seek to build our society in a manner that helps academic anesthesiologists see the SEA as the "go to" for educational resources, mentorship, and educational scholarship. One of my fondest memories as an SEA member was co-hosting the 2022 Fall meeting with Dr. Barbara Orlando, my colleague and friend, exploring the theme of "Developing a Professional Identity." I am intrigued by the ways that our society, economy, and technology will shape the future of academic anesthesiology and hope to bring my insights and passions to help steer a bright course for our society. On this list of candidates, you will find mine surrounded by the names of folks I consider friends and colleagues. I could not be more excited about building upon the past work of this society alongside my peers. Thank you. 

Candidate for Director: Vidya T. Raman, MD, MBA, FASA, FAAP

I came into Society of Education in Anesthesia (SEA) later than some of my counterparts and that is part of why I am running for the Board of Director position. If someone had told me about this wonderful, amazing society earlier I would have participated earlier and would have shortened and enrichened my own personal promotional journey and scholarship sooner. I tell all my colleagues about the Society and have shared various presentation slides. In the past few years participating as well as attending various workshops I have learnt so much. Last year, I loved the various engaging conversations during lunchtime presentations. The Keynote during the Spring presentation 2024 was one of the best , transformational, inspiring presentations I attended all year.

I bring my wealth of committee experience from Society of Pediatric Anesthesia (SPA, Executive Board), American Society of Anesthesia,(ASA) International Society of Obese Patients,(ISCOP) and Society of Anesthesia and Sleep Medicine (SASM). I also bring my varied mentoring experiences from undergraduate to faculty at the Ohio State University. I also bring my leadership experiences from my MBA (Kellogg) as well as my Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM).

I truly feel fortunate in being part of SEA and know the value of better late than never. I have also been fortunate to call some of the leaders in the past friends and colleagues and hope to emulate their stewardship and leadership. I hope to give back the same and continue my journey as an adult learner. As a part of the Board of Directors, I hope to give the same support and enrichment that SEA has provided me.

Thank you for your time. I hope that you support me in journey to the Board of Directors, SEA.

Vidya T. Raman, MD, MBA, FASA, FAAP
Professor, Clinical

Candidate for Director: Tracey Straker, MD, MS, MPH, CBA, FASA 

My name is Tracey Straker, and I am running for reelection for the SEA Board. I bring a unique and progressive perspective to the Board. I am also Co-Chair of the Committee on Diversity, Equity Inclusion and Justice. As the Co-Chair of DEiJ, I have brought societal issues of the membership before the Board. It is imperative that as an organization that educates the future of our specialty, we are cognizant and responsive to the world around us. Education is dynamic, and as leaders we must be ready to change how we educate according to the membership that we serve.

SEA has been integral in my professional career; the relationships, mentorship, and sponsorship that I have received from SEA has been instrumental in my career foundation.

I served as Co-Chair of the Faculty Development committee for six years and have helped to assist many members on their professional trajectory. In addition to my leadership in SEA, I have participated in every realm of career progression that SEA offers – I have taught many workshops, submitted articles to JEPM, Peer Coaching and specialty programs that were offered. My dedication is not only to SEA, but its membership.

I have grown and flourished with SEA, and I would like to continue my tenure so that I can continue to assist in to helping to guide the professional trajectory of my colleagues and see them soar!